Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Saving Toads / earing idiotic comments

It was a rainy Day and now a cool evening/ night. Its 22.20 late and I have to go to pick up my wife up from work. Get into the car and drive. At the way to home there is a street with high traffic near where I live. We take that road to drive at home and wohooo so many toads. Ignore them ? No! Help the to cross the road. We hold on and get out of the car and help the toads. So many drivers goes angry and yell idiotic comments and other angry stuff. But that didn't care us. We helped round about 10 toads. All are save. And we are happy. I don't wanna see the toads sqished so we helped. Was so Awesome . Gama-sama will praise us tonight :-)

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