Monday, June 10, 2013

Neverwinter: My Pro and Con after 3 weeks of playing.

My first Oppinion Post is now 3 weeks ago.

Here is my own Review with Pro and Con:

  • The Classes - not so many and not to little.
  • The World - Awesome Design directly from the Forgotten Realms Creator :-)
  • Monsters - Well Designed but sometimes stupid
  • Combat - Action feeling, but still the same. (can be negativ and pro)
  • Hotkeys - They some getting used to, but the same as the classes - not so many and not to little.
  • Races - they are all cool, Humans, Half-elves, Underlings, Dwarfs, Elves, Gnomes and someday  Drows (Darkelves)
  • Quest Way- Twinkle Twinkle little Star :-) its cool to see the Quests Way.


  • Classes: definitly unbalanced, thats good in PVE but very annoying in PVP.
  • The World - sometimes the collision query is a little stubborn, i cannot walk over a 1cm stair ?! wtf
  • Armor and Weapons - to often the same skin. A other color and /or Name is not a other Armor or Weapon 
  • Races - Underlings looks a little weird with their Horns, looks like they glued them on their forehead. If you change the Nail length to max it looks like Freddy Krüger visit the Neverwinter Studio ^^
  • Combat - Action feeling, but still the same. Sometimes very confusing if you fight against a Group.
  • Exclusives - Very Expensive and not worth to buy (my Oppinion) Hero of the North 189,99 euro, Guradian of Neverwinter 55,99 euro and last but not least Neverwinter Starter Kit 18,99. To play a Race (Drow) or get a special Mount, Direwolf Pet and items, i have to say, NO.

Thats my own Review after 3 Weeks of Playing and Testing the different Races and Classes.

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