Monday, May 20, 2013

Neverwinter - f2p Action MMORPG (my first Impressions)

Neverwinter f2p -Action MMO - My First Impressions

First i thought, hmmmm, Action Role Play MMO, is that good ? And Yes it is !!

Its not this static Fight where you have 100 of Buttons to smash, no, Your Mouse is the most used Attack Tool. The Left Mouse Button - Normal Attack, Right Mouse Button - Special Attack. You can configure these Buttons with other Attacks and Specials. You have to Block or Dodge, there is no Automatic thing like in other MMORPG´s. On the Pics you can see my Female Deepling - Twohand Fighter. Awesome.

There are less Theory crafting, so with a Level you reach you get a Special Ability in the Skill Tree.

Its Funny and easy to Play. Its free to play.

Sign up and follow me. Send me a Message if you play already than we can have a group. I playing on Dragon Shard currently.

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