Thursday, June 30, 2011

Naruto Shippuden Episode 218: The Five Great Nations Mobilize

Naruto Shippuden Episode 218: The Five Great Nations Mobilize

they are fast at the moment by subbing Naruto Shippuden episodes :-) good work !

watch them all on

Naruto Shippuden Episode 217: The Infiltrator

Naruto Shippuden Episode 217: The Infiltrator

watch it now online on

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Eden Eternal - an new Anime/Manga Style MMO

Eden Eternal

At first i thought, oh man another Anime/Manga Style MMO...

Hmmm, i hope i will not be disappointed when i try the Beta.

But, the Video Clip looks Great.

I show you my personal Impressions in a few Days... Stay tuned.

copy the upper text to you URL to watch the Trailer.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Naruto Anime Series on Viva TV

I was so happy after i heard that viva tv will send Anime Series. Naruto and Tsubasa Chronicles, COOL. I thought viva tv will show the Naruto Series uncut ..... but i was disappointed. The same cut shit as to RTLII channel. Whats the f******** Problem with the German TV channels ?!?!?!?!?!

Real Boobs on Daily Soaps are ok, or a Documantation from the near War where Real People Die....
or slaughtered Animals for the Flesh Production.. its still ok to show this on TV on midday.

I hate it...... i really hate it. Please....... i only want uncut Anime Series on German TV channels (no special Channels!)

Thanks from a frustrated Tatsuo-kun :-((((((((

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Lipton and Nestea - Why ?

Why ?

Why - so large companies do Animal Experimentation ? Suffering and Pain to Animals are normal in this World ? No Way !

check or

Help Animals to live their lifes not in Pain or Suffer !

I don´t Buy any of this Products, thats my decision !

Thursday, June 9, 2011

World of Warcraft: Vanilla - Long Time Ago

World of Warcraft: Vanilla

Vanilla means the old World of Warcraft, lvl 60 was the highest level.

In the Picture you can see my Nightelf Warrior - Tank with TIER1 Set and teh awesome TIER2 Helmet.

The Sword Quel´serar he is holding was one of the Best Tank Swords. Difficult to get, you have to seek for an Epic Book that only drops in Dire Maul North with an chance of 1%. That´s not all ! after you found the Book, you have to slay Onyxia. Only slaying, HA HA HA, NO, you have to wait for the fiery Breath to Strengthen the Sword and then when the Dragon Lady dies, coldem down to get the Quel´serar.

Not all was easy at Vanilla WoW but most of it was cool, and you had the feeling you are really epic :-)

Naruto Shippuden Episode 216: Top-Class Shinobi

Naruto Shippuden Episode 216: Top-Class Shinobi

The next new Episode will be online on Thursday, June 2011. 5:00 AM Pacific Standard US Time zone.

Watch it on

I hope Kakashi win this fight !

Naruto Shippuden Episode 215: Two Fates

Naruto Shippuden Episode 215: Two Fates

Watch it online on

no comment..... just great!

Naruto Shippuden Episode 214: The Burden

Naruto Shippuden Episode 214: The Burden

You can watch it online on

Another great episode from Naruto Shippuden. It,s in Japanese with english Subtitles.

Oh man, every new episode makes me so euphoric :-)