Monday, June 20, 2011

Naruto Anime Series on Viva TV

I was so happy after i heard that viva tv will send Anime Series. Naruto and Tsubasa Chronicles, COOL. I thought viva tv will show the Naruto Series uncut ..... but i was disappointed. The same cut shit as to RTLII channel. Whats the f******** Problem with the German TV channels ?!?!?!?!?!

Real Boobs on Daily Soaps are ok, or a Documantation from the near War where Real People Die....
or slaughtered Animals for the Flesh Production.. its still ok to show this on TV on midday.

I hate it...... i really hate it. Please....... i only want uncut Anime Series on German TV channels (no special Channels!)

Thanks from a frustrated Tatsuo-kun :-((((((((

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