Friday, June 15, 2012

Diablo3 - sucks / annoys me since the last Patch


Sine the last Patch i had the feeling when i walk and shoot ,or shoot and use an defense Skill with my Demon Huntress. It takes a little longer than before when i use a defense Skill like "Trap" or "Salto" to get more Range between me and the Enemy. So, really often the Game mechanic is crap, and my Huntress still shoot when i used already a defense skill. IT SUCKS!!!!!

And the K.I of the Temple Knight.... LOL. Enemys with Poison Rings, Flames or other AOE Effect are perfect for the Temple Knight. Still Attack in Melee Range and relax in the AOE. Oh damn......

Blizz.. please fix teh K.I and the Lagg Problems. I had this Problems since the last Patch / Mainteanence.


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