Sunday, April 22, 2012

Diablo 3 - My short Open Beta expirience

DIABLO 3 Open Beta

I play the Demaon Hunter in Diablo 3 in an Open Beta. AWESOME ! The classes are very well designed, also the music and graphic. On this picture, Barbarian and Demon Hunter. The Skill system and Fighting is completly different from Diablo 2. You can play in Groups over the Battle Tag ID to finish Hard Quests, Dungeons or just playing together. Only the merchants are annoying because they currently only sell so much scrap to the masses of items you can loot. You can only reach the 13th level on this Open Beta. 
I wanna start to play the other 4 classes this Evening. 

There are still Bugs, but hey its the BETA and i can play free :-)

Due the current Beta expirience, it is worth to buy.

The Official Release is the 15.05.2012

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