Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aion - free2play or greed2play

AION - The Tower of Eternity

Aion is now free2play

Great thing. But...
There are 3 different Packs. If you are a new Player you get the Starter Pack.
If you play the Pay2play Model already you get the Veteran Pack.
And if you want the Gold Pack you have to pay 9,99€ / monthly. For more information check up the upper list.

Hmmmm... ok, you have lesser cooldowns for the visit for an Dungeon if you have the Gold Pack and much more benefits. That sucks...
No World Chat, no trading with other Players (give) but you can get (what a nonsense) and many more things. But the Big False at the Starter Package, only 2 Char slots....SUCKZ a Lot

So, if you didnt play Aion before there are 2 Options, Starter Free or Gold Pack for 9,99 monthly.

BIG LAUGH, Play it free but play like a Poisoned Rat. Or PAY per month like every pay2play Game but get more benefits and the full extend of Aion and have the feeling you are something Special ^^

so, my oppinion: worth to play but not to Pay !

Check out "Aion free2play" to know more about.

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